Where do you see the tvOS release notes

I can’t find the release notes for the tvOS app anywhere.

There seems to have been some nice (obvious) improvements in a recent update, and I wanted to see if there were any changes that I’ve missed, but cannot find any release notes tagged for tvOS.

There might be better options, but this should work:

(Click on “Version History” on that Apple TV App Store web page)

Thanks for the suggestion.

Unfortunately that tab is just a repeat of the iPad release notes - those features are not available on the tvOS app (which is version 1.3 not 2.4, which is the correct iPad app version).

Looking on the Apple TV, v1.3 was released on January 25th, and has some really nice improvements that weren’t available for tvOS before. These are features that are in the Web app, iOS app and iPad app, but not in tvOS app before this release.

So, what I’m looking for is the tvOS app version 1.3 (latest version) release note, if anyone knows where this can be found.

Oh, indeed… Sorry!

In the TestFlight beta app thingy.

And maybe on the tvOS beta thread.

Doesn’t look like it’s been updated since November but they are here:

Excellent - that’s what I was looking for :slightly_smiling_face:

It seems though that I have to scroll back into 2024 and find one tagged as tvOS in order to create a list filtered by tvOS (which was why I couldn’t find it - I hadn’t gone back that far). Or I’m I missing a way to do that?

It does now raise the question, why no release note for v1.3 that dropped a week ago?

Isn’t test flight and the Beta now closed though?

Oooo I thought it was still in beta, I don’t have Apple TV, my bad!

Thanks everyone for the links, sounds like you found it in the end!

Just to confirm/clarify, the tvOS release notes should be available at https://releasenotes.trakt.tv/tag/tvos as jluftman shared.

I don’t think there’s a way to do this, but sounds like being able to choose a tag from possible options is a good ReleaseNotes team feature suggestion. I’ve sent a feature request to them!

This was my bad, the release notes page is an extra manual step that in this case I forgot about and the latest release notes are now posted (direct link: January 24, 2025 | Trakt Release Notes).

The beta is still available but being added is currently less automated. Send me a private message me if you want to me added for now - I think the beta link on the website doesn’t add you automatically as we had issues with how TestFlight works with new build emails for users that don’t have Apple TV to be able to disable them and they haven’t responded to my feedback I’ve been submitting/updating since 2018 :smiling_face_with_tear:. I’m hoping to get a separate button added to the website for tvOS eventually.

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I’ve added a forum category for release notes which I’ll add release notes to moving forward. If you notice something missing don’t hesitate to poke me

@Ohifriend thank you for this - seeing the release note for v1.3 is really helpful, as I’d not picked up on all of the improvements. I’ll take a look at the ones I missed later.

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