You have unsaved filters! you have unsaved filters! you have unsaved filters! you have unsaved filters!

This is so annoying to be nagged about this EVERY SINGLE TIME I try to look through pages of search results! TURN THIS USELESS CRAP OFF!!!

This happens to me, too. As of a week or two ago, the whole search filter feature has majorly gone downhill. Filtering by streaming services (which seems to be under “Networks” now for TV shows) isn’t even showing up for Movies? I’m pretty lost with the new interface.

I tend to agree that this popup is very annoying.

I’m happy to look into this if you provide exact steps to reproduce the issue.

That sounds like a bug. What specific page isn’t displaying the watch now filtering?

Hi Justin! Thanks so much for the quick response. Here is a screenshot:

On the left-hand menu, under filters for Movies, it shows Filter Terms, Genres, Certifications, etc. It does not show Streaming Services (or Networks, as I suppose this category is called now?).

That bug should be fixed now with the watch now filters as the first item. The show networks is not a replacement for that, networks is where it originally aired and not related to where it is streaming.

Changing pages won’t trigger the save popup anymore either.

While I didn’t experience the bug, I frequently adjust my saved filters and I’m annoyed that I get that “You have unsaved filters” popup all the time.

Please make it possible to opt out of this popup. If I do want to save my new settings I’m perfectly capable to do so without being reminded all the time. :wink:

I would really like to get rid of this pop-up too!

I like the possibility to save the filters, I just don’t want to be reminded that I didn’t do that EVERY SINGLE TIME…

@justin ; reproduce is very easy
step 1: Create a filter
step 2: click on any of the search results
step 3: go back to search results
step 4: click on another search result
repeat steps 3 and 4
repeat steps 3 and 4
repeat steps 3 and 4

etc. :wink:

Any updates regarding this issue?