Add support for TMDB collections to see partially collected or partially watched movies sets


A feature that I would love to see one day is to support movies collections (collections as per The Movie Database (TMDB) definition - aka “movies sets”).

Two things I would die for to have supported with trakt:

  1. Be able to see/filter in trakt “Collection” page :
    and be able to see which TMDB movies collections are incomplete in our Trakt collection. For ex, could inform a new movie is available and has been released. Or just to inform us that we are missing movies in our collection.

  2. Same idea but more related to the “History” page :
    be able to see which movies sets/TMDB collections I didn’t watch entirely (for ex if I watched the first movie in a duology for ex “Dune” but didn’t watch “Dune Part two” yet, I would like to see this, either the collections or the movies concerned. (or for ex when a new movie has been released). This second feature would be the equivalent of the “Progress” page Sign in to Trakt - Trakt but for movies basically.


