A feature that I would love to see one day is to support movies collections (collections as per The Movie Database (TMDB) definition - aka “movies sets”).
Two things I would die for to have supported with trakt:
Be able to see/filter in trakt “Collection” page : https://trakt.tv/users/USERNAME/collection
and be able to see which TMDB movies collections are incomplete in our Trakt collection. For ex, could inform a new movie is available and has been released. Or just to inform us that we are missing movies in our collection. -
Same idea but more related to the “History” page : https://trakt.tv/users/USERNAME/history
be able to see which movies sets/TMDB collections I didn’t watch entirely (for ex if I watched the first movie in a duology for ex “Dune” but didn’t watch “Dune Part two” yet, I would like to see this, either the collections or the movies concerned. (or for ex when a new movie has been released). This second feature would be the equivalent of the “Progress” page Sign in to Trakt - Trakt but for movies basically.