Filter Option in lists (genre, personal rating)

Hi! I’m new to Trakt but I already listed 100s of shows and movies and I’m super happy with this platform! But one missing feature(s) strike me as odd. Which is the filter system in lists. I can’t filter my lists by genre (which I could forgive) nor by my personal rating. Which is an important feature for me when I have 150 shows listed and want to compare my ratings. The only button which comes close is the “filter by Rank” and to this date I have no clue what it actually does. The “filter by personal Rating” only appears in the collection mask.
Is this intended? Are these common filtering options planned for the future? Or did I maybe miss it completely ?

Thanks in advance for your help!

In the iOS app, you can sort (not filter) lists by personal rating. Don’t know if that helps.

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Yeah im stupid, I meant “sort” not filter by ratings. And I just found the option in the app by scrolling down… Ha… thanks!!
Then there’s just the issue with filter by genre, I read in another topic that this feature would be implemented in the future in the app, but that was in 2023.

You can also filter list items by genre:

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Is this the web version? Cause on Android I don’t have this

That’s the iOS version.

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iOS app indeed, I wasn’t aware it’s not on Android.

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Thanks. So then here’s my feature request for the devs: Please implement this on Android too :joy::kissing_heart: