The only reason I don’t do that is to keep a more accurate log of what I’m watching and how much.
That’s what the hide function is for. You can hide whole seasons.
I don’t want to hide whole seasons, I want to hide single episodes that are added to a season long after the season is over which is not available and already has a feature request thread. However I still want this thread to be in regards to the sorting function and not the hiding of individual episodes
I logged into the Trakt app for tvOS today. (I typically use it on my phone.) On tvOS it looks like the default (and only?) Up Next sorting is very similar to what we’re describing here. It’s a mix of recently aired shows, recently watched shows, and new shows from my Watchlist.
Can we get this sorting option in the iOS app? It looks great.
Considering all of the free features Trakt seems to be migrating to VIP and placing behind an overpriced paywall I think it’s safe to assume this won’t happen but if it does it will be VIP only.
Maybe if we get more votes on the feature they’ll consider it. It’s already available for free users on tvOS so it seems like most of the work is already done.
Maybe… I think they have their hands full with the list limit outrage