As a recent TV Time convert I’ve been loving trakt, the thing I’m missing is TV Time’s default sorting for my shows on my “Watchlist” (“Up Next” on trakt).
The watchlist sorts by a combination of what you are watching and what is currently airing as opposed to one or the other. For example, I am currently sorting by recently watched and am watching Gilmore girls for the first time while also watching other shows that are currently airing. If a new episode airs I would like it to be higher on the "Up Next’ than Gilmore Girls as I prioritize current shows. However, sorting by “Air Date” or any other date related option puts Gilmore Girls on the very bottom instead of being easily accessible in a “currently watching” style sort
Apologies. So look in settings HERE and see the box next to sorting, the one with arrow down, you can change it to up arrow. That changes the order. That should help you?
I’ve set my “Up Next” to “Sorted by activity date”. Works (for me) like a charm. I also watch new and old stuff together and whatever I watched most recently is on the first place. So when watching an episode of Gilmore Girls, the next episode would be first, and if a new episode of your new stuff is aired, it would be placed second. Nothing gets moved to the bottom of the list.
Perhaps this works for you as well?
Same for me honestly, I don’t know what you always had it set, Latest Watched is the best sorting tbh. Only new seasons that you haven’t watched yet won’t appear until you watch them, but you can spot them in your calendar!
Honestly that’s a bad answer. That’s a different setting entirely.
Calculate Up Next Using → that’s for what episode should come next in up next. For example, you watch S01E03 on TV, but you missed S01E01 en S01E02. So, when you mark that episode as watched, and then you go back to watch episode 01 and mark it as watched too, with it set to " last episode watched" the up next will now show episode 2, instead of episode 4 with latest aired.
TL;DR Last episode aired shows first unseen episode after newest released & seen episode.
Last episode watched shows first unseen episode after most recently watched episode.
And the default sorting are just the same options as for up next on dashboard, but it’s for your progress page. A whole different page than up next.
I don’t understand the concept of combining two different sort methods into one. Is it like normalizing the values and then adding them together or something? Seems like it would be confusing to understand the logic of the sorting for the user if you did that.
Personally, the order I like to use is where the shows I last watched longest ago are the first shows listed on my up next. That keeps me cycling through all of my shows fairly evenly.
I thought maybe a visual would help explain what I’m asking for. This is my current “Up Next” as of right now. The first list is sorted by watched date (how I’m currently sorting), the second list is what sorting based on air date would look like, and the bottom list is how I want the list sorted.
The last list compares the watched dates and aired dates giving a mixture of the aired date and watched date sorts.
I would absolutely love a “smart” sorting feature for up next. Before there was an official Trakt app, I implemented a Heroku app using the Trakt api that did something similar to what I think you are describing. (I was inspired by how Apple sorts the “Continue Watching” section of their TV app.) I love the Trakt app, but I miss the smart sort of my old app.
I think the sorting logic I used was to sort all show by the most recent of these dates, synthesizing a “last active date” for the show:
last watched date of most recently watched episode
air date of earliest unwatched episode (for watched and wish listed shows)
Sort the shows based on the last active date (descending by date), then show the earliest unwatched episode for each show. For me, this is a great way to have one combined list of shows I’m watching (the #1 list) and premiering/returning shows that may have slipped off my radar (the #2 list).
THIS. You put it in to words perfectly. My only change/caveat would be for some sort of logic that ignores episodes that were skipped over or added to an earlier season after the fact. In my image above that would be Love is Blind. I’ve watched 5 seasons passed the year later check in episodes and have no option to hide them or have the up next filter them off
I think I hear what you are saying, and I agree. If you’re watching something like a news show or a variety show (anything without a plot, really), you may not care about old unwatched episodes. If I’ve skipped around in a show for some reason, I would want to calculate its activity based on the latest consecutive stretch of unwatched episodes. For example, if I’m caught up in the Daily Show and a new episode airs, that’s the relevant air date and episode, not some ancient episode that I’m never going to watch. I usually resolve this by marking old seasons as watched even if they weren’t, but it’s a hack.