similar to “gift articles” phenomenon, that you see for paid news articles, i think there should be a VIP Share feature where for that one share-page, the non-vip and non-logged-in user can see precisely what the Trakt VIP user has created
the first pic is the very cool, clean looking awesome UI when i’m logged in and want to share with my friends my Fred Astaire Ratings
the second pic is what is seen by a not-logged-in person and is lame
VIP User Screenshot
not-logged-in-in view
this would create a condition where there are no adds ONLY on that one specific URL, and if the not-logged-user who views the gift link navigates away from that one share link then ads are back on, etc just like the normal site
also, this would only apply to custom shares of things like watch history, lists, etc
i want to share Trakt and believe this would make more people curious about it by actually getting people to click on the link to the site and see what i’m seeing, instead of just posting screenshots