Anime season is not right

i wanted to add my anime list and i was going down the list and there are a lot animes season not right for example Jujutsu Kaisen there is only 1 season but past EP24 that is season 2 some one needs to run a script to check all the animes to fix them back up like u can check Jujutsu Kaisen on anime list and shows how many EP there are in s1 and s2 hoping this can get fixed cos i want it to auto say that i watched it and im guessing having the missmatch ep names will mean it not work

Those anime are following TMDB’s rules. TMDB is our datasource and we need to add the seasons like they do.
In their rules, when a new season of an anime has a continuous order (episodes are not listed as 1, 2, 3… they are listed as 13, 14, 15…) the episodes must be added in the first season.

For Jujutsu Kaisen, you can use the alternate order to see the episodes listed in two seasons: Jujutsu Kaisen: Seasons - Trakt

ok did not know TMDB was different just come from animelist