Automatic Backup Feature: 500 error

Thanks Justin! I can see my backup on Google Drive now. It took about 9 hours from the time I set into my account until the file has been generated, not sure if that’s expected but I’m glad it worked.

Just want to mention, cause I see others have tried as well, the weekly backup via email has never arrived to me after more than 24 hours from the time I set. Not that I would need both solutions, but thought I could activate both in case one of them fails at some point for whatever reason.

I adjusted the backup priorities so they should process a lot close to your scheduled time now.

@McBaumwolle you can try revoking access on that screen, then disconnecting on Trakt, then re-connect on Trakt. After granting permissions on Google, it needs to redirect back to the Trakt website so we can save the actual tokens needed for the connection.

Thanks! Last one got generated about 2 hours after the scheduled time, a lot faster than the previous ones :+1:t3:

Thanks, I tried this but unfortunately it didn’t work. Also tried the new Microsoft connection but had the same error there (and a new one, see pictures one where I got redirected to home).

Edit: OneDrive worked now, I’m waiting a bit to see if it works.
Edit: It did not.

@McBaumwolle That first screenshot indicates there was some error on the Google side of things. I’ll try and find a way to capture the error and display it. Since you’re having the same issue with multiple services it still seems there is an issue with the browser or internet connection. I’m not sure what, but that’s my guess since multiple services are affected.

I activated a daily backup on Google Drive to test this backup feature, but after two days I still don’t see anything in Google Drive. Google is connected so I have no idea why this is not working.

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Update: It says it made a backup but it is not available anywhere.

Maybe a manual download (export/import) button would be a basic solution, the mail/cloud thing seems a bit complicated. ^^

We need to generate the backup asynchronously in the background which is why there isn’t a download button. Do you have a folder structure like /Apps/Trakt/2023 in OneDrive?

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Ah that makes sense.

Unfortunately not, I tried to reconnect it twice but nothing showed up.

Edit: It did show up I just did not see it (OneDrive made an Applications folder.)

Small update: also for the third day, I still don’t see a backup in Google Drive. I also do not see a green box like the screenshot here a bit above that a backup has been generated.

Yeah, it looks a bit inconsistent to me:

Although I have some backups, they are not being performed daily, nor at the exact same time.

I’ll have a few updates out tomorrow that will give improved error messaging on the page and will also put the backup queue at a higher priority. That should allow the backups to process more quickly and closer to your scheduled time.

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Backups are higher in the processing queue now, please let me know if they show up closer to your scheduled time.

The additional error messages are there now too, here is what it will look like.

I found some bugs behind the scenes where sometimes the connected Google/Microsoft/etc account had missing info that we need to actually write the backup. Disconnecting and reconnecting should clear it and hopefully get the needed info.

If the backups page is indicating you need additional permissions, you can disconnect the service at first then re-connect from the backups page.

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I confirm there’s a positive change in place.
Yesterday’s backup came in approximately 2 and a half hours later than the scheduled time. Today’s was only 12 seconds late :face_holding_back_tears:

Thanks for the update Justin!

Just as a heads-up, the backup via email hasn’t worked for me. Not that I need it since Google Drive is working, but I activated it out of curiosity.

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Mine came in on time today as well!

Indeed, I can confirm it as well. Everything seems to be working properly now.
The backups now show up daily on Google Drive and even at the scheduled time.

Just as a quick follow-up, this is the first week when my weekly backup email came in as well! It seems everything is working properly (and even sending the backups at the selected hour).