Automatic Backup: Nextcloud

From the blog post:

We support Dropbox and Google Drive. We’re considering Email, Box and Microsoft OneDrive as the next backup services. If you have other suggestions, let us know in the VIP forums.

I would also like to suggest Nextcloud as a option. I will probably temporarily enable google drive for now, but my main cloud solution is Nextcloud and I would prefer to back it up there instead.

Thanks for the great work!

Yes, please! Nextcloud supports WebDAV so it shouldn’t be too bad.

I looked into this briefly and it seems like we’d need to know the url, username, and password to upload files. Is is standard to provide the username and password like this for Nextcloud via WebDAV?

Justin, I’d suggest you take a look at these docs

It’s possible to use oAuth and an API key to connect to nextcloud

(Having a self hosted Nexcloud myself, I’d be interested, i don’t trust much third party providers with my data :slight_smile: )

Would love to see nextcloud as an option! All my config / meta backups are in nextcloud already would be great to add trakt data to it

Is there any roadmap for additional backup options? Email is working ok at the moment, but would love to put it into nextcloud :slight_smile: