Automatic Backup Feature: 500 error

I’m getting a 500 error trying to configure automatic backups with my Google Drive account. It happens a while after I press the “Allow” button:

My Google account e-mail, and the e-mail on my Trakt profile are not the same, could this be causing an issue? Otherwise, I have no idea where the problem might be.

I’ll look into this. It doesn’t matter if the google email is different.

I pushed a potential fix this, please let me know if it works.

I was able to get mine to link up with my google drive no problem just now so it seems like it works now?

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I don’t get the 503 error any more, but after connecting, I get this:

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Weird, seems like google isn’t telling us the Drive permissions were correctly allowed. I’ll look into it next week to see. You can also try disconnecting google from the sharing tab, then reconnect from the backups tab.

This worked, thank you :pray:

I am having a similar issue (already reported via Twitter, I’m just moving it here this seems more organized).

After connecting it shows it’s connected, but it actually is not. Take your time, I made a backup with another solution in the meantime!

I’m also not seeing the backups on my Google Drive, and I’m assuming I should see a folder in the root for them, right?

I think so.

@McBaumwolle I only see Twitter attached to your account, not Google. What error are you seeing?

@rfgamaral yes, it will create folders in the structure mentioned on the settings page.

When trying to connect (on Firefox), the google login page says “an error has occurred” and in other browsers it takes like 10-20s, then shows “Your trakt account is now linked…” but nothing changed.

I also tried the new email backup and I received no email today.

The option to connect to Google via the Sharing tab also does not work.

I’m only seeing Twitter connected and nothing else, so not sure why you are seeing a success message. Are you able to try connecting via a different network like over your cell phone or something? I’m curious if something is being blocked on your network.

@justin I’m still not getting any backups on my Google Drive account. Did I do something wrong? I should have at least 2 daily backups, shouldn’t I?

I think something was stuck and I just told it to retry backing up your account. Let me know if it shows up in a few minutes.


Got it, thanks :+1:

I’ll report back if tomorrow’s backup doesn’t show up.

@justin Based on my settings above, I think I should’ve got a daily backup for the 19th, but I don’t.

Might be a stupid question but, is the time I choose for backups the time of the server or the time of my location?

I am in Europe, Romania to be more specific and I’m trying to figure out if my backup solutions are not working or just not supposed to arrive yet. I chose a daily one on Google Drive at 00:00 and a weekly one by email on Fridays at 00:00. Right now it’s 00:10, Friday in Romania and I’ve got none of the backups.


It’s in your time zone. Backups are queued up so it might take up to 1 hour before it’s processed and uploaded.

I tried it in Firefox and Edge, both in my Wi-Fi and cellular, and today in eduroam (university network on an uni pc) in Firefox, the same error occurred.
(And I tried the email option some more times and it did not work.)

One thing I tried is to accept all cookies but that did not work either. :confused:

Edit: I looked into my Google account and it is linked to trakt.