Badge not unlocking?

I’ve received three notifications that I was the New User Of The Month. But I never received the badge. Does something need to be done to claim it?

Any ideas on this @justin?

I’m not really sure, I’m not an expert in Discourse yet :neutral_face:

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Has this been addressed? Because my badge never unlocked for the month of September 2020. I got several notices that I was the September user of the month. But my badge never was awarded.

If you look at the list on the screenshot you posted, when you earn a badge it has the badge logo next to it. That looks like a system message. Did you ever try to read what the message said?

In my admin powers, I have a “Grant Badge” option, but when I click it:
Screen Shot 2021-04-17 at 11.42.39 AM

So I’m not sure if the new user of the month was an actual badge to be awarded or just some system message.

Seems like there was a bug.

But it is listed on the Badges page. When clicking the New User Of The Month 9 people have unlocked it.

It is even showing up for users as well. So I am not sure what the issue is.

Unfortunately, Justin and I aren’t able to find a solution to this issue. We didn’t create the badge or requirements for it. As far as we can tell, we aren’t able to award you the badge.

Sorry. You can try contacting Discourse for a resolution.

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Thank you for the quick reply. Was hoping this was fixed. Guess I’m out of luck :frowning:

what is this and why dont i have badges ?! :o

oh lol nvm, its for the forum not the site… damn.