Just stumbled upon this very obscure and unimportant bug:
Today, March 26th, Germany switched to DST, meaning there is no 2am to 3am – as reflected in the list of choosable timeslots. However, I’m not entering a time for today but for the 24th which very much did have 2am. I’m guessing the timeslot list is initially populated based on today and then never recalculated when you pick a different date?
I could easily enter and save the correct time manually, it’s not a big deal at all. Just found it curious and thought maybe you’d want to know and take a look.
That is a weird bug! I assume the time picker is back to normal now that DST has passed? This is a component we just use (and didn’t custom build) so it sounds like it might be too aggressive with the time picker adjusting like that.
Yup, now it’s back to normal. However, as one might expect, this behavior also works the other way round: Because the available timeslots are calculated based on $today and not based on $selectedDate, I could now easily enter a scrobble with 2023-03-26 at 02:30am – which does not actually exist. Not sure how that’d end up in the database and being displayed then.
Sure, but I’m not entering a timezone when I’m selecting a scrobble timeslot. My default profile timezone does not have “2023-03-26 at 02:30am”, that moment (as in: “this specific time in this specific timezone”) does not exist. I could of course watch it at “2023-03-26 at 02:30am” in a timezone where this moment does exist, but then I’d also have to be able to specify the timezone with my scrobble. It doesn’t matter where and when I watch it, it is impossible for me to watch it at “2023-03-26 at 02:30am” in my default profile timezone – yet I think this is what the picker would currently allow me to submit. Does that make sense? Hard to explain, and I hope I didn’t misunderstand what you meant.
Behind the scenes we store everything with a UTC timestamp so it’s all consistent. I’m looking into this specific web date picker we use to see if they have any fixes or config options.