I believe Trakt can build on top of this by storing a mapping of network default time zones and then converting from there. It sounds like one of those things were 20% work will get 80% of the required results.
We use the original country to determine the original Timezone for a show. If the country is wrong, please report the show and our moderator can adjust it. Do you have a specific example of a show with incorrect info?
None of TVDM, IMDB or TMDB report any timezone or time for it. Neither does Apple at least from what I can tell.
This may not be a trakt issue because there is conflicting info online, but I have been watching the episodes thursday nights so I am wondering if apple release them 12AM ET.
I think it picks the timeslot from tvdb. Fridays 12:00AM. But it shows as 9:00 for me. The origin country is Ireland. And that’s the same time zone as me according to the timezone picker at profile settings. I thought Ireland had the same timezone as UK. Which would be 1 hour back compared to NL.
A lot of shows without purposefully set broadcast times default to midnight of the set release day. So some (not all) of the shows you follow are being corrected to your time zone and appearing on the wrong date as a result.
I believe Foundation is set up correctly. Apple shows in general get adjusted by our moderator since they generally air at 12AM Eastern Standard Time. We get the air time from several places, but ultimately you can “report” the show if you think it’s incorrect and provide us with info on the correct airing time and country.