So is there any sense to update timezone while travelling? My expectation was that the viewing statistics would be dependent on the time zone. I assumed that what I watch at 9 PM in different time zones would be reflected as 9 PM. However, now I see that my most popular time is 3 AM
Ultimately we save everything in UTC behind the scenes. The time zone setting is used to make adding data accurate to your selected time zone. If you’re switching between time zones, then yes this unfortunately going to be a little weird since the year in review normalizes all the data to your indicated time zone only.
Figured I would post on this thematically related thread, rather than starting a new one.
One thing that I’ve noticed, which is bit wonky, is that on the web app, if I’m traveling (and my laptop time is in the different timezone), if I enter manually specified time that I watched an episode, it takes that input as being in my “home” timezone, but then displays the history in my current local timezone. So, for instance, if my home timezone is MST (UTC-7), but I’m currently in PST (UTC-8), and I say that I watched an episode at an “Other date”, and I say I watched it at 17:01, it interprets that 17:01 as being in MST, and then displays 16:01 in my History. (I’ve also verified that it shows all history in my current local timezone, so something that I logged at 20:35 when I was at home in MST showed up as 20:35 in the History, but when I traveled to PST, it showed up in the History as 19:35.)
My expectation is that, if the web app is going to show everything in local time when I’m traveling (eg, PST), that it should also interpret inputs as being in PST. Or, alternatively, make it really explicitly clear and just enable timezone indicators/inputs everywhere! (That would be my ultimate preference, to avoid any confusion.)
I can’t remember how the Android or iOS apps behave, and I can’t check right now.