"Choose a type to filter by title" pop-up should disappear eventually

This pop-up stays there forever unless you do something that reloads the page. It’s just a very minor inconvenience, but I don’t like it when that happens because I accidentally press the “filer by title” button.


Are you using a script to change things?

I only ask because all mine are fine (meaning they disappear like expected) but my tooltips (you are calling them pop-ups) are black and yours seem to be red.

If you are using a script to change things, maybe that’s interfering with some functionality?

Uhm I’m not using any scripts, weird


Looks like my “tool-tip” text is also different. This is weird…and kind of freaking me out.

oh terry, you’re just hovering over it. That does disappear, but if you click on the search glass thing when in the “all types” view, it doesn’t go away, whether you use the purple or the red theme.

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Yup, that’s why I called them pop-ups and not tooltips :stuck_out_tongue:

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Ahhhhhh…now I see what y’all are talking about. Honestly, I rarely use that feature so I next to never click that specific one. Good to know…and is a valid issue that needs to be addressed. Time to tag @justin so he can add it to his endless queue of things to look at.

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