Date range pop-up does not disappear when you click it again

When you click that button again, the pop-up stays open:

I think it should disappear on the second press because that’s the observed behavior for all of the other options in that menu bar. Additionally, having to click the “X” button is bad because it forces the page to reload, no matter if you set a date range or didn’t.

I’ve used this “widget” myself before and unless they do some custom code, this is the default functionality of it. I can confirm your concern though, because I don’t like it’s current functionality either. I just wonder if they have the time and/or resources to look into the customizations or look for a replacement.

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@CanePlayz Just dropping a general note about all the small UI glitches you’re finding. Thanks for all the reports. These will be low priority unfortunately, but they have been helpful and I do want to address them at some point.

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Thanks, that’s good to know

Yeah I totally understand, that makes total sense, thanks for letting me know!

Look at that! All your hard work is paying off… @justin has taken notice!

Yeah, good to see :smile: