Chopped Trakt Doesn't Match TheMovieDB

Hi All,

I know that the creators of these HGTV and Food Network shows don’t make it easy to track seasons and episodes but wanted to point out that Chopped tv show in trakt doesn’t match theMovieDB at all so local files named according to theMovieDB (to accurate scrape) doesn’t hit right in trakt. Not a huge deal but wondering if it’s worth “fixing”.

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The problem with this show is that some seasons have a lot of differences between TMDB and TVDB(it’s current datasource).
You can see the comparison here: TMDB Transition

I can only migrate this once all episodes that are on TVDB are also listed in some form on TMDB. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case right now.

How will the migration work once it’s complete as far as people who have already collected and/or watched some items? Just curious how much manually cleaning I’ll have to do once the time comes. Various developers across different platforms have told me this is a nightmare.

I would move each episode of Trakt’s listing to match the listing on TMDB. It would take a while, but no user’s data would be lost (if all episodes are real, of course).

I think TVDB has a lot of extra episodes that don’t exist, were in a different season, etc. It’s definitely not accurate. TMDb will never allow all those extra episodes because of that, so will never match TVDB

Yeah, all I need is a good source for them. If TMDB data is good, I can move all episodes that we have to match it and remove/merge the incorrect ones to migrate this show.
However, it is better when someone who knows the show well wants to help fixing it. So, please, report when that show is ready to migrate.