Collection notes

Sometimes I want to add additional info to a collection item that isn’t covered by the collection metadata, like maybe a different region or maybe I’ve got a version under a different title to the normal one (for example: I own “Miami Magma” but it’s known in the UK as “World on Fire”).

Obviously the metadata can’t be expanded with an infinite number of dropdown boxes so I thought perhaps it would be possible to just to add a note to collection items which would then show on the “collected” box.

I’ve mocked up what I think this would look like in terms of input and display.


I like this idea as this could be used for director cuts/extended editions etc.


I would like this as well. I would go further I would like to be able to add private notes on any movie or TV show distinct from public comments and have them searchable. Private tags would be even better so I could look across different lists specifying “funny” so I can pick content that I know I find funny

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Notes can be added from your collection page. The original idea of adding them in the popup is also a good one that I will look into.

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