Ability to add note on a scrobble


I’d like to suggest a feature to be able to add a free-text note on scrobbles.
Use case example: I want to log who I saw the movie with, or at which cinema.
This note may be public or private.

What are your thoughts on this? Any chance this will get implemented?

Many thanks!

I like this. Maybe if your a friend/follower with the whom you say the movie with, you can @ them to post to a timeline view. It would also help increase the social aspect of the Trakt site

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I would like something like this as well, private notes for writing down quick notes what I thought about a show.

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THIS! I just wanted to make a new post (about new feature). But this is exactly what I wanted for a long time. Private note on movies/episodes/shows. Just private way to write down our own opinions, which are only for our own eyes. Thank you for this!

I’m in the process of working on this. How would you expect to add the note? My initial thought is adding the notes when viewing your history page. Maybe an “add notes” icon/text appears when you hover over the history item. Any other ideas?

How would expect to add this note on a media item? First idea is a new button near all the other action buttons (i.e. above “add comment”). If there is a note, a note icon could show up on top left of the poster. Open to other ideas or mockups too.

@justin I think it should be available when viewing, so when doing a checkin and when adding to the history. This will enable users to set this note when entering the cinema or when leaving the cinema, in my original example.

A note from the history page would also be good, though less intuitive to what I’m aiming at.

Agreed, the checkin already has a text field so that can be saved as a note. When manually adding to history, I’ll add an icon to optionally specify a note. On the history page, you’ll be able to add/edit/view the notes as well.

I create a main topic covering notes, let’s continue the discussion there.