I get my “Daily TV shows” email after the shows have already aired. I checked my Profile’s Date & Time setting and they are correct. I would have expected to get the email before the shows air.
Do you have a specific episode as an example?
Your email is scheduled to deliver at 11pm, so this seems correct to me.
Just to be clear. There is no way to get earlier notifications? Trakit must wait until the program ends?
It’s based on the time you select for the email notifications, not the episode air time. You could set it to 8am for example and would see all shows on that day.
Thanks. Will give it a try. I would, but for the life of me I can’t find a Setting that says when email notifications go out.
In your notification settings (https://trakt.tv/settings/notifications) next to the boxes you’ve checked you should see the time to be sent as well.
Thanks! I would never have found it. Well, maybe “never” is a bit of an overreach.
FWIW - if 11pm was the default, it is a bad one.
The default is 12am when it’s first enabled. If you do weekly the default is 12am Sunday.