Episodes count and plays

Hello team, I have problems with the count of my episodes and the number of plays. I see more plays than episodes and I can’t find which was the one that was played the most, I usually check it for my story and from there I detect the number of plays, but now that doesn’t happen.

That can be reviewed at the technical support level or something similar. I appreciate your help or recommendation.

P.D .: I also see episodes or movies from time to time that I already saw as unseen


Contact support at https://support.trakt.tv/ and we can review your account.

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If you go in to History, and change the “All Types” to “Episodes” you will see at the top (in blue) Items and Plays. If this is not the same change the “Recently Watched” box to “Most Plays” you will then see your episodes displayed by how many times you have watched each episode.
For those with more than 1 if you want to you can click on each one and then remove which “plays” you don’t want, reducing your “Played” count against your “Episodes” count.

If the difference is vast then you could use this Remove duplicate episodes but there is little control over which versions are removed but it does tidy up your numbers a lot quicker than doing them individually.
I used this the first time I noticed I had a massive difference and then I just keep an eye on the counts and just do them manually each time they start to differ.

Hope that is what you were after. If not, oh well lol

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