You appear to “know” whether a particular show or movie is “included with subscription”, “available for rent” or “available to buy” for me. I would love to be able to look at any watchlist and filter that view showing me only those media I can watch free through one of my subscriptions. Or alert me when something on my watchlist becomes free with a subscription to a service I use (rather than just alerting when it is available even if it is only available to rent or buy).
For a really advanced but do-able service, I’d also welcome a filter or alert when something on my watchlists drops below a set rental price on a service I subscribe to - an alert telling me it happened and which service to use would be a treat…
The main challenge I see so far is performance. Right now, each item has the availability info (country + service) cached so it’s super quick to query. To support this idea and still have fast query performance, we’d also need to cache the purchase type. There are millions of links behind the scenes, so a real time lookup isn’t really an option. This is still a good idea, just setting expectations.
A daily email alert that could be run at low use periods would be OK for me (or notification of a completed search on demand with an email or in app alert) - real-time implementation could follow.
Perhaps so - not sure where all the data comes from but somehow I believe each media item normally has that item in Trakt. Might not always be 100% accurate of course but I could live with that uncertainty.