Fixes for the new color theme option

The VIP referral section currently uses the purple background even if you use the red theme.

Maybe it’s actually the Mandela effect but I’m pretty sure there used to be a coloring effect when hovering over links in the top bar of the dashboard and the footer that aren’t there anymore.


You are probably getting tired me me replying to almost everything…lol.

For the header, the 'year to date" and “all time stats” and “your profile” never had a hover effect. The links in the transparent black section (your stats) do have a hover effect, they turn from white to a transparent shade that makes them look gray so the basically lighten.

You are correct, however about the footer. Those use to turn red (or purple) like the main navigation in the header does.

You are probably getting tired me me replying to almost everything…lol.

Nooo I’m thankful for all of the input and background info. :sweat_smile:

The links in the transparent black section (your stats) do have a hover effect, they turn from white to a transparent shade that makes them look gray so the basically lighten.

That part actually confuses me a bit because on some items, only numbers seem to have that effect while on others, the entire thing including text changes.

Yeah, they should clean that up more.

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The VIP referral has always been purple, so that is as designed. I will fix the footer hover colors, good catch.


Thanks! Any plans or cleaning up the hover effects in the transparent black section (your stats)?

Already fixed the footer, at least in Dark mode.

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