I woke up this morning and the purple What’s Up Next show names were black. I really liked the purple and it was easier for me to read. Am I able to switch back to purple?
I too want the purple back. Black is ugly and depressing. The red theme still has the red text, but the purple theme has been changed. At least give us the font colour option for purple theme.
Dark or Light mode?
Ahh, I see now. It doesn’t matter if it’s dark or light mode. Dark mode everything is white, and Light mode everything is black. Links that is.
It’s so sad to see the complainers about the new colors “winning”. Now we all lose.
Guess I’ll make a stylish Userscriptto make it all purple again.
And there’s no response regarding this.
@justin Why was the colour changed? Is it possible to get the purple back?
The default theme has changed to be more basic across the website and apps. The color is just used more for accenting now. I will look into offering the purple links as an option.
Thank you for the response @justin. If you could import the option for purple text, that would be greatly appreciated. As of now, the black colour really doesn’t look that good. The red colour used on the red theme looks better than black, but some of us prefer the new default purple theme.
Social feed still uses purple for links, both username and watched movie/show, so it has uniformity issues as well.
VIP here, dark mode and red theme. My thoughts are green for shows that are collected but not watched is not intuative, I feel it should be green - watched, red - not watched, purple - not collected.
way to go off topic
I quite liked the later revised lighter purple text where it was used in dark mode and had got used to that - now everything’s white. It looks basic and generic and lost that ‘edge’ that it had. If I switch back to classic Red, those titles in Upcoming are Red, but back to default Purple mode, it’s white - Please bring back the purple or have it as an option
They just can’t seem to get it right can they?
I’ll be making some additional tweaks to the colors and also adjusting the red theme to use the similar black/white text. The images are the main focus, so the color highlights are being reduced to put the focus on the imagery.
great, then at least there’s consistency!