How to load large movie collection into Trakt

I have about 2,000 movies on a NAS. I use either Kodi or Plex to watch. Both do update once I watch a movie but I’m looking for a way of loading all of my movies in bulk.

Sadly it is on its decline development wise, but to my knowledge and to this date there are few tools which can compete with Media Center Master in terms of described functionality and synergies. If I had to name another (rising) one, possibly tinyMediaManager, though I am open to any further suggestions myself.

I use GitHub - Taxel/PlexTraktSync: A python script that syncs the movies, shows and ratings between trakt and Plex (without needing a PlexPass or Trakt VIP subscription) to update trakt in bulk.

The Trakt add-on for Kodi did this for me automatically, there is an option in the add-on’s settings to add titles in Kodi to your collection on Trakt. Provided all your titles are in your Kodi library, it should add all of them when you run Trakt. To run it, browse for it in the add-on browser, highlight it and hit enter (or C then choose “run”). Other than syncing the watch status for individual titles after viewing them, the Trakt add-on doesn’t sync unless you run it (or after you update your Kodi library, if you have that option enabled).

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