Is Anyone Else Getting an Error Message When Trying to Submit Comments?

When I attempt to submit a comment, I get an error message that reads, “There was an unknown error or the request timed out. Please try again later.” It’s happened for multiple comments on multiple episodes using multiple browsers. Is anyone experiencing the same issue? I’m running into the problem via both Chrome and Firefox on my laptop at the moment. Thanks!

I tested this right now and it seems to be working correctly on my end.

Can you test again? Are you seeing any errors in the browser console?

I have the same issue, though I’ve only tried it at one episode. Nothing both on phone (Chrome) and PC (Opera).
I’m not a new member either, been here since like 10 years.

Hi Sonply – I tested again just now and ran into the same problem. I tried it on my laptop via Firefox, Chrome, and Edge, and had the same issue each time. And I also ran into the same problem on my android phone trying it in Chrome.

I’ve uploaded screen shots of both the live error message and the browser console:

I’d appreciate any help you could provide. Thanks!

Hi, I have the same issue sinse maybe 3 days. I can’t post a comment or save the changes in a list’s description. I get the same error message you described for comments and when I try to save the description in a list it loads infinitely (left it open for 2 hours on my laptop and it never ended up saving). Cleared the cache and logged out several times but it’s not doing anything. I use Chrome.