New VIP User - VIP Feature Doesn't Work

All I want to do is more easily see shows in a custom list that have episodes left for me to watch. To help with this, I paid for VIP because the “Advanced List Progress” feature seemed like it would do the trick. It doesn’t seem to work…

  1. I go into my list and click the “View Watched Progress” button that opened up with my VIP purchase.

  2. I see “Only displaying TV shows from your XXXX list”. Great.

  3. If I click the “Filters” eyeball icon, nothing happens. If I pull the dropdown and select “Most Episodes Left”, then the “Only displaying TV shows…” message is gone and Trakt is now showing me results based on anything I’ve ever watched.

I navigated down to this SPECIFIC list. Why would it not stay there??

So I tried it another way…

I went directly into “XXXX” list and clicked the eyeball icon. It worked and I got a dropdown list. I then clicked to hide “Watched”. Nothing happens. Not in Chrome on my desktop or phone.

I feel like having a single area to see which TV shows I have yet to watch would be like, feature #1 on Trakt, so it’s extremely frustrating for this not to be functional. I’m at a loss and am extremely close to cancelling my VIP purchase.

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I think there was an issue with Cloudflare that was affecting weird things including advanced filtering. You aren’t alone in the issues over the past few days. Justin thinks he’s fixed the issue. Can you please try filtering again and see if it’s functioning properly? What your asking for should be the feature set.

The “eyeball” icon filtering is now working, but the drop down still doesn’t work.

If I stay in the default of “Recently Watched”, the URL and messaging on the page show that I’m in the specific list “?list=1901154”. But if I select say, “Most Completed” instead, the messaging goes away and I’m not longer looking at results that are list specific “/progress/watched/most-completed”.

I’ll have a fix out for this tomorrow. Looks like this was always a bug when viewing your progress of a specific list.

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