Know when a season ends

Will we have the ability to sort Up Next by Season Finale once it’s available in the TMDB API? Thank you!

I just saw banners with “season finale” and “mid-season finale” are these for real ???
We have the info ?!?!?!

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Yes sir.


I’m so happy to hear this is becoming reality, but I wanted to reiterate what @changnoi mentioned about getting a notification when a series/season ends. I too wait until a season has finished before I start watching.

I can (and have) let seasons slip by me even with the current notification system, because without knowing when it has ended, the notifications just drop off when the season has finished. Then I have to try and remember what “isn’t” there that was there last week.

Is there a timeline for this?


Here what it looks like on the web, mobile apps soon.

I don’t see anything. Is there supposed to be an image somewhere?

Thanks as always. :pray:

Yes there are images, maybe you have an adblocker or something ?


The images are on twitter/X.
Different images than posted above.

Only the tweet is embedded here not the images.

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Thanks @great_vc & @lifeiscrazy

I did try turning off my ad blockers as I always do when I can’t see content, but I still couldn’t see any images.
I wonder if it’s the fact that I don’t have a twitter account?

Something to consider if that’s the case that not all of us have social media accounts.
(Don’t have FB either)

Anyway, I get the gist from the pics @great_vc posted.
Thanks! :pray:

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I didn’t get the comment with the twitter account and images from @lifeiscrazy

I don’t have a twitter linked to my trakt either and i can see every image about seasons.

How would this notification be different than the calendar emails we currently send? Those emails have the same type of badges indicating the season finale.

HI @justin,
I guess I haven’t noticed them yet, but I’ll try and take notice going forward.

I guess I should have clarified what I was really asking for though. I was hoping for a notification that triggers only once a series has completed. I don’t need weekly notifications if I don’t plan to watch it until it has completed. I thought that was what @changnoi was suggesting.

I’m glad that there is a way to see it in the existing emails, but still believe there is a compelling reason to have a dedicated notification option for completions/finales.


The potential issue we have is the data can toggle from TMDB, especially the show status. That might be ok as long as it’s understood. It seems like one way to handle this is by adding a new calendar for “Season Finale” and also the corresponding email notification. Would that work?

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Hi @justin, sorry for the late reply but once again I never got notified of your reply. No idea why it works sometimes and not others. I never touch my settings. :man_shrugging:

That sounds like it would work to me, and understand also that it’s not a 100% foolproof approach.

Thank you very much as always for continuing to improve this service!

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New My Finales and Finales calendars will be available starting tomorrow. The website and API will get them, and the email notifications a well.


Thanks for this addition! How is the “series final” badge determined?

It’s something we manually set right now, but I’m working on a reliable way to automatically set it. Perhaps if the show is ended and the episode is already tagged as a season finale.


To avoid creating a new topic related to this subject, I’m posting here.

Is it possible to have a Premieres + Finales section too?

For me, it would be neat to have those two combined. If not on the Calendar, at least having it on the Dashboard (Upcoming Schedule) would be very appreciated.

It also kinda bugs me that when a show comes back from a mid-season finale, it doesn’t show up under premieres. Unfortunately, there’s not even a simple path to make it happen. There’s no such tag supported through TMDb.

You can apply advanced filters on the calendar page by selecting multiple episode types.

That would be useful too. Perhaps we can auto generate this knowing the previous episode was tagged as the mid season finale.

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I hadn’t thought about that! That’s a great workaround, thank you!

I would still love to have that on the Dashboard (Upcoming Schedule) in the future, if possible. I use that page almost daily, so having all that information directly on it would be great.

Yes, that would be great! It would be something like calculating a series finale (show ended + last season finale). It’s just not as straightforward as TMDB providing the info itself.