Links for movies in a series (NOT franchise)

Would love to have links for the previous & following movies if a movie is part of a series or franchise (clarified in further post: series ONLY, not franchises). Maybe similar to how tv shows have episodes and seasons linked at the top of the page:

It wouldn’t need to be ALL the previous and following movies, since they’re not just numbers and that would get really unwieldy! Just one prior, and one after, as applicable. And then just like the season page for a tv show has a link to “ALL,” also have this for the movie, linking to a page showing all the movies in order for the series.

I do know that TMDB has collections, do not know if they have been added to their API though. Or if it supports TV shows.

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I do realize with big franchises such as Star Wars, Marvel, DC, etc., this could get a bit crazy trying to incorporate movies AND tv shows. And maybe down the line there would be a way to do this, but I see that as being a nightmare of a tangle in sorting out the order, between film and episode release dates…

But I think at least linking just the movies in a franchise/series would be great.

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I like the idea but I see a flaw. An example: what comes after iron man? Iron man 2 or incredible hulk?

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TMDB has Iron man 2 as the next movie.

There is a section in their Contribution Bible for just this occurrence. It appears that they thought this through quite a bit.

Also there has been talk in the past to create universes as a separate entity from collections on TMDB.

Trakt has the featured lists page for some cinematic universes for now.

I also found out that collections do not support tv shows right now.

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Thanks for these great links!! :smiley: :ok_hand: Sorry for the delayed reply, had a VERY busy week. :sweat:

I agree with what TMDB stated, and should’ve been more precise when I created this suggestion. It would be more accurate to say I’m requesting links for movies in a series only, such as Iron Man, not the entire MCU franchise. So yes, I was already thinking it would be done so that the next movie after Iron Man would be Iron Man 2, not Incredible Hulk.

I think the rationale about dedicated series is spot-on, the idea of having a feature for universes later down the road is intriguing! But for now, I’m just requesting for movies in a series to be linked. The “ALL” button I mentioned in my initial post would still just link to a page showing all the movies in order for the series. This wouldn’t matter so much for series where there are only 2 or three movies total, but for longer ones, such as Harry Potter for example, it would be nice. And better to have consistency across the board, so I still like the idea of the “ALL” link.

I went ahead and updated the title of this feature request to make it crystal clear:slightly_smiling_face:


Don’t worry about it!

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