The Kermode and Mayo Film Review is going to be looking for best films representing each province and territory in Canada and I would like to help them find a good one for Newfoundland where I live. Ideally I would create a starter list, share it on social media and allow others to add to it, with the option to remove “spammed” movies or rude comments but to my surprise this functionality doesn’t seem to exist, or if it does I can’t find it. If people could rank films and have an overall ranking dynamically updated in response, even better.
If this isn’t something you do or plan to do, I am sure someone does - can you suggest which service to do? Preferably one that would also make it easy to import the results to a list of my own afterwards?
My use case is different—I’d just love a shared watchlist with my wife—but the idea is the same. I suppose you could handle it kind of like Google Docs: share with no one, share with specific users, share with anyone with the link.
If I had to pitch the feature, I guess you could say this might advertise Trakt and thereby increase its user base and “drive engagement.”
I’m starting to think about this feature more and wanted some feedback. My initial thought is the list popup can have a new field (populated with anyone you are following) to allow access to your list. If granted access, that user can fully manage the list (but not delete the list itself). Do you think those type of permissions (add, delete, change rank) are ok? The google example is an interesting one, but I’m just wondering if we really need specific permissions or not?
It seems to me the two use cases listed above might call for different set of features. For sharing within families and friends allowing them to freely add, modify and rerank would probably be fine ( I suggest in all cases with attribution somewhere so you can tell who likes what on the list). For something aimed at the broader audience I’d want it to be as easy as possible for even non-members to contribute but I might want some kind of voting system for ranking and a quick and easy way to roll back all changes made by a single person in case that was spamming
I don’t think we’ll allow public editing like that. It will require a Trakt user account in order to grant access. Any feature related to adding data requires a signed in Trakt account.
I really like you’re considering this as I would love a shared list with my sister! (I posted it on some thread here).
The permissions sound good.
Maybe another (different) idea would be to create a way of sorting based on likes and dislikes(upvotes and downvotes). Or just upvotes, that a specific item receives. Votes from other users, either on Trakt or with whom it’s shared. Like a new permission set to not fully reshuffle it. But voting only. Like every item starts out rank 0 N/A or something. And depending on votes by people its shared with or the Trakt community as a whole, it gets a real rank.