Nah…that might work for people that use one specific service exclusively. There are a ton of movie/shows that are on multiple streaming services. I’d want to have the opportunity to be that specific when marking something watched.
For instance, there are several movies that can be watched on Paramount+ and Netflix right now. I have both…so I would want to be specific.
Any way we could get a download/archive feature for the Yearly/Monthly reviews?
I’m currently either downloading the entire webpage via different ways, but it often looses functionality such as all the different data you can hover on, or I’m just getting a screenshot of the entire page. The share function on desktop doesn’t even let me download the simplified image you get on the app version, it just let’s me share to other platforms so I have to resort to outside tools again to get the data or get it on the app.
Ideally getting a download for an offline version of the page on each Yearly/Monthly page would be fantastic, but I’m not sure how much work it would require or If you are even up for that. If not that, just a simple download for a fullscreen image (not just the small version from the app) could work.
when I got to my mir, and clicked the share icon, it copied a link, but it’s not even the full trakt link, i got this:
I would like to generate the infographic from desktop too!
// EDIT: I KNOW I can change my username in the url. I know the workaround. I don’t want need a workaround though. But yay Tyson said it’s probably planned!
that’s what I meant, you can use that text on your computer to generate that share sheet picture. all you’d need to do is change the month number until they add the ability later on for february and beyond
Why is, for example, the number of episodes watched per day giving the figure based on the current year and not on the current month?
I’ve watched 8 episodes so far in February, and it says 0.2 per day. Well, that’s only because it’s dividing 8 episodes by 36 days (31 days in January + 5 days in February). Makes no sense to me.
not that my opinion matters or will help but that is definitely loading the Year to Date template for some reason. I tried loading mine up and it loads the correct Month in Review template. I even tried loading the Year to Date and changing the URL to the Month in Review and it switches templates correctly for me.