Old layout look

Did you guys change the look of the Profile page? If so, was there a post or email regarding this? I just noticed that the entire layout has changed and seems a bit confusing for me. If this was an update to the look of the profile page, then is there a way to switch back to the old look, or am I doing something wrong?



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Yes, I just released a refreshed design on the user profile and will announce it soon. What specifically is confusing?

Is there a way to restore the play time item so that it shows the playtime for the last week in addition to the total playtime?

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Well, I would like the option to uses episode images instead of episode posters. As far as confusing, it will take some time for me to get used to, but the old layout was far better and easier to understand in my humble opinion. The new look to me looks like a backwards move, it actually looks outdated. It would honestly be a great idea to give us the option to choose the old layout if we want to.



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I’ll likely make a toggle on that card to switch between all time and last week.

Recently watched defaults to a combined view which is why it uses posters. I could add a toggle for the episodes tab though.

The old layout won’t be an available option unfortunately.

Hopefully you grow to like it after spending more time with it. All of the old info is there (with the exception of the last week stats mentioned above) and we’ve added a lot more. Favorites is a new section to showcase your top shows and movies, you can set the default sorting on that list (i.e. random) and make your profile more interesting when people view it. Comments at the bottom is new and replaces the optional box on the old one that was unusable. Most watched have their own dedicated sections to get a lot more info. The genres chart replaces the unusable pie chart.

We’re of course open to feedback as we all get used to it over the coming weeks. I’m sure we’ll make several updates based on feedback we start getting.


I understand completely, but hopefully you guys consider adding an option for “episode thumbnails” instead of just using the same poster for every episode in the profile view. I am sure other members would like that option as well.



I’ve been using Trakt for more than 11 years everyday, and I normally enjoy the changes but sadly enough, I don’t like the new layout at all.

I’m so sorry… I hate to even say this! I have so much love for Trakt but I don’t like the small About me, Last watched, Full watch time and List part. I don’t like the rounded edges either. I loved how it looked before. I also don’t like the new rating line chart, the block chart was better. It looked stylish.

The older version looked so sleek and clean. And I’m so sorry but I think this looks a bit messy. The things I do like are the comments shown on the profile, and the most watched genres! I’m sorry Justin


I agree with you 100%. It would have been great if we the members had some say in the layout of the site, or at least have the option to choose between old and new. These days no one really asks for user input. I could understand if non-members had no say, but as a paying member, it is disheartening.

Just my opinion.



My initial gut reaction was that I didn’t like the new layout, but after spending a bit more time with it, I don’t think it’s terrible. I like the favorites section. (Is that new? I honestly don’t know. I remember thinking not too long ago that Trakt should have a favorites section. If it isn’t new, well, it’s good that they’re now easy to find!) I like how the most watched shows and movies are now displayed on the page - it was kind of buried before.

My main complaint/suggestion, as others have already said here, is that I miss the recent entries showing the episode thumbnails instead of the generic posters. I think it would be better to switch back to showing the thumbnails.
The other suggestion I have is to separate out the TV shows and movies into two separate rows again. I think it’s more elegant that the tiny text buttons that the new layout has. I also simply like seeing them separately.

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I actually really like the new look! The rounded edges make it feel a lot more updated to me and I think the whole design is a lot cleaner. A few suggestions:

  1. I really love that you got rid of the pie chart from the old layout! That was one of my biggest issues with the profile page before. The only thing about the new genre section is that it looks like the bar graph has a set size for each genre as opposed to matching the percentages. This makes it harder for me to visualize my top genres as each one is visually the same (until you hover over it to see the percentages are different).
  2. As other people have mentioned, I liked being able to see the play time stats from the last week as well as overall stats.
  3. I wish there was a way to automatically set favorites to show things that have a certain rating. Like maybe I know that I only give a 9 or 10 rating to things that I really enjoy - being able to set that as a cutoff to automatically add those to my favorite list would be really cool. Otherwise, I likely won’t use the favorites feature.
  4. I’ve never used the “about me” section, I sort of wish that could be toggled off. But not a huge deal.

Thanks for all the great feedback on this! It’s perfectly fine to not like the changes, but we really appreciate the thoughtful ideas and responses. The page will continue evolving as we evaluate all the ideas in the forums and social media.

We considered having an optional preview of the new layout, but ultimately this is the direction we wanted to go and made it live for everyone. The reality is we wouldn’t be updating the old design and we just need a single profile design that supports all the features.

We value all your input and this thread has a lot of great ideas which we will explore. I hope you never feel like we ignore your ideas. We can’t always implement everything, but we’ve taken tons of user ideas over the years and that is reason you see many of the great features we have.

This is actually a rebranding of a beta feature we used to call “personal recommendations”. The name was confusing since it was separate from the Trakt provided recommendations. More info in this blog post.

We are considering both of these ideas.

Yes, the old pie graph was really bad! We are considering different ideas to help with the layout. Each piece has a minimum width so the genre name is visible. We might condense the bottom 10% into a single item to give the rest more space.

The old profile would fall back to doing this. However, the favorites feature is specifically designed so you pick up to 50 of your all time favorite shows and movies. It also powers Trakt social recommendations.

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Perhaps if you mouse over the 10% it would say the other items kind of how the site does elsewhere with the black menu that pops up. Otherwise I like the new Genre bar, much better

I think the ratings bar should be clickable.

I kinda miss the old section that said what is the recently highest rated stuff.

The rounded corners on the first row do stick out oddly though as the rest of the site uses square corners. I think the same size but with square corners would perhaps look better.

I like that there is more that one item shown for Most Watched Shows/Movies

I agree with other users. The old layout was much cleaner and stylish. The new one looks outdated. The tiny Last watched, About me, etc. boxes look weird. There so much unused space there. I would like to see episode thumbnails back in Recently Watched section and not a TV show poster. The two separate rows for TV and movies were better solution. There’s also too much unnecessary information on the main page.


Yes, I agree with you. There is so much unused space. My “about me” box even has a scrollbar now while there wasn’t even much text in it! That’s how tiny it is.

The old about box was fluid depending on your resolution. For most people the new one is about the same size.

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I have to defend the scrollbar, because the old box would just cut off whatever you wrote if it got too long.

LOL, so you would literally have to buy a bigger monitor to see more text.

I have to say that I like the structure of the new page much better. I don’t usually get bent out of shape if there’s dead space in a layout, there’s function in having some space between things. What I would like to see is MORE of each type of content. Allow more content onto the page, don’t be afraid to let it scroll. More recent episodes, more comments at one time, etc.

(Echoing something I said somewhere else, as far as comments go, I think it would make more sense if it defaulted to showing a bunch of random comments regardless of popularity or recency.)

I would also like to be pick and choose what shows up on the page. Not making content private per se, but being able to toggle each available element to allow for a more personalized touch to the page. Maybe customizing the order the information is displayed would be too much, coding-wise, so I’m not expecting that (would be cool, though). Just a settings pane with a bunch of on/off switches so I can decide what my page looks like to the people (all five of them) who read it.

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Even though I’m not a fan of the ugly scrollbars in these smaller then before boxes, it should only appear when there is a lot of text.

It’s dependent on the browser and OS you’re using. Please post a screenshot and info about your setup.



Oh. So because I’m using Safari, the scroll bar is set to automatically hide. And even when it’s not hidden or forced to always show it’s only a slightly different shade of burnt red than the box itself so I did not even notice until I went looking for it.

I don’t know how deep that instruction goes on the site’s webcode, but it’s in bad form to force a scroll bar where none is needed. At least it’s not ye olde Netscape days with the big square buttons and a textured scrollbar that could only be so small before overriding the table dimensions. : )

This might be the fix for it,
when I change the following property with inspect element the scollbar is gone when it should and appear when there is a lot of text.

#boxes-wrapper #about-me.stat-box .about-me-text

overflow-y: scroll;

overflow-y: auto;