Old layout look

Thanks for all the great feedback on this! It’s perfectly fine to not like the changes, but we really appreciate the thoughtful ideas and responses. The page will continue evolving as we evaluate all the ideas in the forums and social media.

We considered having an optional preview of the new layout, but ultimately this is the direction we wanted to go and made it live for everyone. The reality is we wouldn’t be updating the old design and we just need a single profile design that supports all the features.

We value all your input and this thread has a lot of great ideas which we will explore. I hope you never feel like we ignore your ideas. We can’t always implement everything, but we’ve taken tons of user ideas over the years and that is reason you see many of the great features we have.

This is actually a rebranding of a beta feature we used to call “personal recommendations”. The name was confusing since it was separate from the Trakt provided recommendations. More info in this blog post.

We are considering both of these ideas.

Yes, the old pie graph was really bad! We are considering different ideas to help with the layout. Each piece has a minimum width so the genre name is visible. We might condense the bottom 10% into a single item to give the rest more space.

The old profile would fall back to doing this. However, the favorites feature is specifically designed so you pick up to 50 of your all time favorite shows and movies. It also powers Trakt social recommendations.

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