Hey Justin, is there currently a limit to calls on the webhook in a period? I just added 27 new episodes to my Plex server but only 9 have shown up in my collection history.
I’ve noticed this happens if I upload more than 1 episode for a show at a time which I’m assuming is still limited by the outstanding request you have in the Plex forums? But I also have some single episodes that just haven’t scrobbled through for some reason.
I’ve noticed this has been happening a lot more recently though.
There isn’t a limit on our side, if Plex sends the web hook we should be able to act on it. They still have the bug about 2+ episodes and it unfortunately doesn’t appear like they’ll ever fix that.
I turned on debugging for your account, so please let me know a specific episode that wasn’t added and I can check to see if we have any more details on it.
Is there a webhook for collecting ? You talk about adding episode to the server and seing the result in the collection history…
I thought the webhook only works for scrobbling.
Over the past couple of weeks, there are only 3 episodes that I’m aware of that haven’t scrobbled correctly to my collection. All 3 were single episodes, but seem to be isolated at this stage.