Recommendations List

I wish the new and fancy “Recommendations” list could be hidden somewhere in settings. If you have many lists for your colleagues and friends like myself gathering and yes, recommending stuff in a more categorized way, why would you want to put them in a seemingly redundant mixed bag again? This may make sense for some not bothering with detailed work and devotion creating those but surely not for all of us.

good idea for more power to trakt end users i rekon +1

@epikur . recommended list is a feature customizable for you. This complaint you have with the redundancy Of recommended list showing up on all friends, family, and also your the account seems rhetorical. It never occurred to you that if you follow other members “List” and All of you have several shows that are the same title or genre that it’s most likely gonna show up recommended? I hope this helps :upside_down_face: Have a great day bud!

No way. I completely disagree. Jeez… This is common sense. For instance… If I and 5 others are huge Horror movie fans of course it’s going to duplicate. Just my opinion.

This is no complaint at all. I just don’t see the point of using it for myself. So being asked what we can improve about the website in general to me is being able to customize what is offered and yes, having some additional degrees of freedom. Everybody who is fond of it, just keep it right there. Good for you. I just happen to not need it at all, so why shouldn’t I be allowed to ask for an option to turn it off?


I will probably never use the Recommendations list, the same as I will never use Collection or Ratings. The two latter is easy for me to ignore (even though I would love to hide those as well), but the Recommendations is implemented as a list for some reason, which annoys me while working with my many lists.

… but the Recommendations is implemented as a list for some reason, which annoys me while working with my many lists.

Exactly. For those of us working with dedicated, quite possibly many fine-tuned lists it is just something in our very face, which at least should be considered being toggleable some day.