Select lists to appear in "Up Next" section

I’d love to be able to select lists for whose items appear in the “Up Next” section. That way, I’d be able to create a list with upcoming shows I plan to watch when they come out and I’d immediately have them in my “Up Next” section.

I know that I can make the watchlist appear there, but my watchlist also includes items I plan to watch at some point in the future, not immediately on release, so I wouldn’t want to have them clutter my “Up Next” section.

For that special use case it’d also be great to allow to set the watchlist behaviour which automatically removes watched shows for any list.

See, the “Watchlist” list is a special list just for this reason. Everything you put in that list will show in your “Up Next” section on your dashboard. You cannot delete the “Watchlist” list either. So, for your specific scenario, maybe reverse your request.

For instance, everything you want to always be in “Up Next”, place in Watchlist. Anything you want to wait to watch, place in a custom list (probably private unless you don’t care if other users see it), so that you have them in a list, and them move them to the Watchlist when you are ready to watch.

Good idea for a workaround, but I’d still prefer the more flexible solution