Hey there,
as you know there are always 4 movies as a preview, before you click on a list.
I know you can technically select specific one’s by chaning the ranks but I would love to have an option to select 4 specific ones directly. I would like to keep my rankings and everything (e.g. im doing a chronogical list of something but I want the 4 best movies to show up as a preview).
Do you use the trakt app for iOS? if you go into the watchlist or any list you created, and click on the “. . .” button on the top right corner then click “set current order as rank”. This will re-rank your list so that the top 4 covers shows up in that image you’re talking about. This is a manual step so when you add new ones, you’ll have to do it again. That’s currently the ONLY way. No auto way of doing this. I’ve asked this and been shot down. This is the best they can do for us. Keep in mind once you run “set current order as rank”, you can’t undo that.
Damn yea that sucks. Hopefully @Ohifriend can add that function to the android app. It appears the android app lacks some newer updates/changes the iOS version currently has.
For something like this to work for a chronological style list where presumably the ‘rank’ is used to determine chronological order, unfortunately using the rank (the iOS workaround mentioned just updates ranks) wouldn’t work here. This would likely need to be a new feature to set a preview order or something along those lines.