Show became 404 show just dissapeared.
What happend?

It shows on my Trakt website

Oh sorry, that is 1996 not 1966
As the show did not air on TV until 26 May 1978 might it have had the wrong date of 1966?

I still see it in my web list, but no longer in app… :scream:

Seems that they also dissapered from TMDB, but I am not sure they were there previously…

One moment it is there (bottom) and now it is gone.

The page was merged with another one because it was removed from the datasource. It was reported as a duplicate.
This one also needs to be merged: Hulk - Trakt, but I don’t know what page I should merge it with since none of the others match that data, so for now, I didn’t do anything with it.

A lot of these old superhero shows aired as segments on other shows, so the episodes might be in completely different shows.

EDIT: Looking around, it seems the episodes of this one are listed in: The Marvel Super Heroes - Trakt
So they might be eventually merged with the episodes of that show.

Thanks a lot for explaining!

Is there a way I can report such duplicates?
For instance - Captain America (1944) exists as show (Captain America - Trakt, 15 episodes for 15m each) and as movie (Captain America (1944) - Trakt, compilation of sort for almost 4h) or they are not considered duplicates until source is missing?

You can report anything that is incorrect in the website clicking on:

Usually for duplicates, the incorrect one needs to have been removed at the datasource. But it depends on the show. In the example you gave I usually merge the show with the movie, as that is how TMDB lists it. We follow TMDB’s data on most cases, so the priority is how they list it.


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Reported other 1966 shows as duplicates for Marvel Super Hero series. Thank you.

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