Hi. Why on calendar it shows the wrong time but on TV shows page it shows the correct time? My timezone is not wrong, this issue exists for so long, I don’t how to fix it. Thanks.
The correct time is 21:15, not 20:15.

Hi. Why on calendar it shows the wrong time but on TV shows page it shows the correct time? My timezone is not wrong, this issue exists for so long, I don’t how to fix it. Thanks.
The correct time is 21:15, not 20:15.
By the way, this is common to all of Brazilian content, not only on this one.
Ten days and no answer?
Sorry about that, we had some internal discussion but it appears we forgot to give a public update. I’m still looking into this to see where the bug is, time zone conversions are always tough to track down.
Hello. Sorry to dig up this old thread. But I ran into a similar problem.
If i mark something as watched at i. e. 10:30, it shows up as 9:30 on desktop. On the phone app it shows up correctly as 10:30.
Both devices are on TZ GMT+1.
I found the issue to be the flag “privacy.resistFingerprinting” in Firefox (& Forks). If set to “true”, it shows the wrong time on trakt. While this is expected behavior for this specific privacy setting, i’m not sure why it still happens even though the timezone in trakt settings is set correctly to GMT+1.
Edit: Even if i change the timezone in trakt, nothing with this behavior changes. So i guess its safe to say that the TZ set in trakt is only for showing the airing dates and stuff like that, while for the actual tracking it uses the device TZ. Which is fine, for when traveling i guess.
I just wanted to post my findings, because there is a chance that thats OPs problem/solution as well.