Also, the data in Trakt doesn’t match what’s currently in TMDB. The number of episodes that show on Trakt match what’s on TVDB, but not what’s on TMDB.
For example, in season 1, there were 15 episodes aired. The first was a two-hour special, but it was a single episode: that’s how it was originally aired (I remember it well. It was an exciting moment in my young life). TVDB and Trakt splits that first episode in two, despite airing as a single episode. TMDB follows how it was aired, and lists it as one episode.
This certainly makes it difficult to scrobble this series with apps that use TMDB data, since the episodes won’t match up to Trakt.
TMDB changed the listing of this show after a long time. In order to avoid messing the data we already had, we locked the page to match their original listing while we decide how we are going to handle those episodes they removed (they have a lot of data).
We might merge them or find a different solution. But for now, we still haven’t decided so the page is locked.
When it doesn’t, it really screws up apps that are expecting the two to be the same. There’s no easy way to tell Plex/Jellyfin which episode in TMDB is supposed to correspond to which episode in Trakt.
There’s only a few changes that need to be made to get it in sync with TMDB.
Remove S01E02
Renumber S01E03 - E16 down one
Remove S05E16
Renumber S05E17 - E26 down one
Remove S07E26
That’s 25 episodes total.
And if you’re worried about watches, and don’t simply want those episode deletes to cascade to watches, you could replace watches for the deleted episodes with an extra watch of the episode before them.
Personally, though, I’d just let the watches be deleted, since it’s unlikely people have watched half of one episode, marked it watched, and then the other half sometime later and mark it separately.