To make a feature request to a collection easier to track - I’d like to be able to order my list by show collection percentage, or collection completeness, however you’d like it termed.
I’ve had a few occasions where I’ve had a show with a single episode missing, and this would highlight that much easier.
It would also make continuing shows easier to track as they would shift when a new season was released, especially as shows have started having multi-year gaps between seasons across an increasng numbers of services - The Orville for example, would go from 100% complete to a lower score as soon as the 3rd season eventually drops…
Thanks for considering,
Is that what you’re looking for?
Hi Justin,
I don’t know how I’ve missed this, it fits the bill just about perfectly
Thanks very much,
Ok great. The page is a bit hidden, I wonder if we can surface it better, maybe a link on the collection page itself somewhere?
Could it be the landing page if you choose to filter your collection by Shows only? Failing that, somewhere on that screen when filtering by Shows only is where the link would be most intuitive imo.
I always forget that Collection progress exists and have to try and work out what I’ve 100% collected by fading out Collected entries
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