Currently we get that data from TMDB.
The way they add anime seasons don’t make it possible to link with aniDB or MAL, since the seasons from the same franchises are added in the same page(and sometimes, different seasons are added in the same season), OVAs are added as specials and movies are added as movies.
For example: Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba
Each season on MAL is a different page, the specials are grouped on other pages there aswell. Some, don’t even exist on MAL.
As for the movies, we also have the special movies that aired on theaters in the beginning of each season, the anime databases don’t have those since they have the same content as the episodes:
The browser extension is currently broken, sorry. Google made me fill out additional forms due to new rules/manifest 3.0 migration and from what I gathered they don’t like the way I handled the “indexing” and never followed up (the store listing was taken offline ). Attempts to port it to Firefox-based browsers (which I swapped to due to Google’s moves regarding the whole thing) have been stalled due to compability issues with indexedDB . Should probably look into this again some day or at least publish the userscript again. Maybe AI can help a lazy dummy coder like me .
Oh right, anidb also has the info in the API. Just needs a mapping as well .
Honestly, the best thing for trakt would be having a mod (eg. @Sonply ) adding in the MAL id in the backend and set the default episode group display to that which matches the anime world (so that it can handle shit like ReZero, etc.) and grab the other anime sites through various APIs. But this gets even more wonky when syncing from kodi etc. (and all the sonarr people still on tvdb data).
I like trakt way to have everything “in a row” but I just don’t like when i use it with kodi to watch anime that it can’t match with the seasons/scrappers,
I recently changed to umbreall instead of otaku so trakt works there fine
Fen Light is adding “Episode Groups” from TMDB. Trakt get’s it’s database from TMDB and also it’s Episode groups.
So now we can change our group. Tikipeter is rolling out an update tonight that let’s us assign which group you want.
Most anime have people dedicated on creating the right group that aligns with say MAL.
If you can’t find a group, you can create one! So now we have a tool to “fix” any series. you can even create a group for yourself that matches a magnet link.
It takes about a day to update the group but now people can start creating the right groups an we can assign to the new group
anime magnet links are mainly following sites like MAL anidb. I mean that’s what the episode groups are anyway. so it won’t be my “personal preference order” though I made it sound like it was so fair play. You think I’m that bothered about linking it closely?
why bother linking it that closely when it will get un cached anyway, I’m not one for re watching shows.
anyway you are missing the forest for the tree, before their wasn’t a bigger incentive to get correct groups, the groups exist already but their are still shows that need better groups. once this is released it will encourage more to contribute, I didn’t even know we can edit stuff ourselves and have put in some work adding keywords to anime because it’s lacking. I’m also the person who found out about episode groups to ask the leading addon in kodi which is like in the millions. very excited about this update. once word gets out this should be better for trakt that we get correct episode groups, then people might make other edits for their favourite shows.