Automatically sync your streaming services!

Unfortunately nothing appears to sync for me anymore after watching, so I’ve gone to tracking manually again. I’ve deleted and resigned into everything but it still isn’t syncing, no idea why this isn’t working, it was working great then all of a sudden it isn’t

Just watched Season 2 of Arcane on Netflix and episodes 1 and 3-8 synced correctly. For some reason just episode 2 (edit: and 9) didn’t get synced so I had to add it manually. The name of the episode on Netflix matches what it’s called on TMDB so it doesn’t seem like it’s the same issue that was identified above for some other shows.


Cool Feature ! Just connected my accounts :slight_smile:

Can’t wait for the Crunchy Roll integration :smiley:

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I’m not sure if debugging Netflix is still a thing here, because for me it doesn’t work at all anymore…

Between the last sync on Jan 13 and today I watched several items, including the whole 7th season of Young Sheldon but nothing is synced anymore. Several episodes from December are still missing as well.
The one item from Jan 13 was “The Monkey King” which is named the same on my German Netflix account, so perhaps this is a language problem? Perhaps Younify is unable to sync things that have different titles for non-english users?

I tried to provide as much help as I can to find the reasons for this, but it feels like there is no progress anymore.

Also, Disney+ using the release date for scrobbling instead of watched date is extremely confusing.

AFAIK regarding Disney they don’t store the watched date, so when the item syncs in future (if it ever does) the date used will be the date of the sync

Same for me. Netlfix doesn’t appear to pull in any shows. It says it’s syncing but getting no data (i only sync new episodes). I’ve tried disconnecting it and reconnecting but nothing has happened. I only signed up Netflix like 4 or 5 days ago.

I just had a proper Netflix sync (the first in the last 5 or 6 days since I connected it) last night just after 10pm. Not sure if anything changed anywhere but if so, it fixed me.

As re-connecting the services does not work, what else can I do to make sync work again?

Yep, I see the point…

because it doesn’t.

I watched the first three episodes of Paradise - Trakt two days ago, but Younify does … well, nothing again. I see a “Last Synced” date of today for both services, but no items have actually been fetched.

I have more and more the feeling that this auto-sync thingie is still in alpha…

Besides that… does anyone know where to view the Disney+ watch history? I don’t find that on … and if there’s no way to view this, how does Younify fetch them then?

I continue to have issues with missing episodes. Yesterday I was binging S6 of Better Call Saul and it logged all but one episode in the middle. I keep seeing this issue where it’ll log things but one or two episodes show up missing for whatever reason.

So far Scrobbling is great but totally unreliable. I have to check it daily to make sure things aren’t missing.

The Disney+ scrobbler isn’t working for me in the UK. The initial sync work seemed to work okay but shows watched since turning it on last week haven’t been marked as watched.
Other services are working are expected.

I watched a bunch of movies on Disney Plus last night. Today’s sync had 1 movie with today’s date and another on the date it originally aired :woman_shrugging:

I was able to manually correct the date.

It doesn’t seem that Hulu is syncing either. :grimacing:

I watched Spider-Man The Animated series on Disney and it added it to my history in 1996, which I think is the release date. I’m UK based too

Hello everyone, long time Trakt user (can’t believe it’s almost a decade now!) and first time VIP in 2025…

So have started rewatching this show The Expanse on Prime Video (since the first 3 seasons are leaving soon) and hit the rewatch thing to Feb 1st 2025 at 12 am.

Started rewatching the show on Feb 1st 2025 at around 7 pm or so, and it doesn’t automatically sync, tried to resync multiple times and from multiple devices and browser as well now… tried unlinking and relinking the prime video account and profile as well… but it doesn’t auto sync, does the progress have to be added manually for rewatch? It would seem that Trakt won’t auto sync rewatches on atleast prime video

Hey, would just like to ask if it auto scrobbles for rewatch now or do we have to add the rewatch manually?

Hi All,

Not sure if i am doing something wrong but there are a lot of Netflix movies/shows that are not coming across with the scrobbler, any suggestions?

Can i please get some help for this? from Trakt?

You could try opening a support ticket. However I did three days ago but haven’t heard anything so far.
So there‘s that

I have been rewatching a lot of old movies lately which makes me kind of wish that the sync would pull their data as well. :sweat_smile: