Hello, Both Love in Carrabian and 90 Day fiancé have a season airing and I have hidden the current seasons of them.
They are now showing up as 100% watched, this wasn’t before. I think a bug?
Please try resetting your progress data at https://trakt.tv/settings/advanced to see if that fixes it.
It somehow disappeared haha
I’m still working on this, but it seems related to metadata (specifically the air date) changing on TMDB. I’ll release a few updates behind the scenes soon and will continue to monitor and try to reproduce the issue.
Happened it again.
I see that it happens when I hide season and it appaears when a episode airs that day
Ok interesting. Do you have more specific steps to reproduce the bug?
Not really. Only thijf I see now
I hide the latest season from a show since I want to skip that season. But eberytime a episode from that season airs, it appears on my dashboard and the next day it dissapears
Looks like it wants to display that I need to Watch the recent episode that aired, but does show I watched 100 perfecnt
I have hidden season 8 but this night a episode did air