[BUG] Shows with hidden latest season showing up on dashboard

Hello, Both Love in Carrabian and 90 Day fiancé have a season airing and I have hidden the current seasons of them.
They are now showing up as 100% watched, this wasn’t before. I think a bug?

Please try resetting your progress data at https://trakt.tv/settings/advanced to see if that fixes it.

Doesn’t fix it sadly

My backup Trakt account has the same problem:

Link to account:

It somehow disappeared haha

I’m still working on this, but it seems related to metadata (specifically the air date) changing on TMDB. I’ll release a few updates behind the scenes soon and will continue to monitor and try to reproduce the issue.

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Happened it again.
I see that it happens when I hide season and it appaears when a episode airs that day

Ok interesting. Do you have more specific steps to reproduce the bug?

Not really. Only thijf I see now

I hide the latest season from a show since I want to skip that season. But eberytime a episode from that season airs, it appears on my dashboard and the next day it dissapears

Looks like it wants to display that I need to Watch the recent episode that aired, but does show I watched 100 perfecnt

I have hidden season 8 but this night a episode did air