Closing discussions on announcements

all as already been said in the closed thread.
just an example: Freemium Experience: More Features for All with Usage Limits - #532 by dg1974it

personally, as said in that thread, I use watchlist (counting 580 items) and Plex scrobbler, and auto-backup (but I’m disabling it). no other functions. no filters, no calendar, no notifications, no lists, no collections, nothing. just track my watched content manually (from my streaming services) and automatically (from Plex). 60€/year is simply insane.

Will you let me pay for “what I use” with in-app purchase? I’m in.
Will you keep prices increasing / paywall previously free functionalities? I’ll cancel my VIP subscription and stay as a free user and deal with the new limitations.
I can manage that, but simply put, Trakt will loose money with my membership.