Default Show Poster?

What determines the default/primary poster a series?

For example the Supernatural main series poster is this…

What decides that poster is the main series poster?

Usually, the main poster is the most voted one on TMDB.
However, on some cases, like Supernatural, the posters are locked by a moderator. Usually to avoid spoilers or because the poster represents the show better than the most voted on TMDB.

Is the moderator from Trakt or TMDB? Can we ask the moderator to just allow the primary poster from TMDB because it’s different than the poster in Trakt.

The moderator mentioned by Sonply is a Trakt moderator. He said image on TMDB is voted but trakt moderator locked it. He also said it’s locked for a reason on trakt so most likely asking trakt to change it will probably be denied.

@Sonply and @LoganWolverineX Thank you both for answering my questions.

Lame that it just doesn’t go by TMDB. All the posters represent the show

You can report in the website when you want a show with a locked poster to be changed, just add the link to a better one.
In this case, the most voted poster on TMDB isn’t ideal because it doesn’t represent the show better than the current one. It just represents the last season. We usually prefer posters that represent most of the show, or the beginning, to avoid spoilers.

This is the complete series poster and would be represent the series as a whole.

It’s also the image on the complete box set

I changed the poster to the one you suggested.

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Personally I don’t think that would be a better poster than the one before but hey everyone wants another poster :joy::joy::joy:

Why have cars on a poster when you can get main characters on a poster

I do agree with your comment. Not that matters to me lol

The Impala is essentially a character and again that image encompasses the 15 seasons as a whole not just 1

That’s not the point. :see_no_evil:

The point is that everyone wants another poster and it’s weird that one comment from someone made it a different one :joy:

All the more reason it would be wild if people could select their own posters
(But it’s something I probably wouldn’t use. And there’s so many posters for some items I’d have “keuze stress” as we call in Dutch :see_no_evil: and trakt is more like a tool to me. I don’t come for pretty pictures.)

I utilize the widget for a website and when you rewatch supernatural as much as I do the worst poster of all the seasons starts to annoy you.

All I asked for was to allow it to be updated per the TMDB site.