Double charge on PayPal?


last Friday I noticed that my renewal didn’t work anymore, so I signed up again. Now I notice that PAypal has been charged twice? On Friday the 2nd and Saturday the 3d.

What’s up?

Similar thing happened to me when I first signed up. When I went to the VIP signup thing it put me through to paypal twice and set up 2 subscription payments.

When I go to it tells me it doesn’t expire until 2022 though so it’s added the time on. I ended up with two different pre-approved payments on PayPal though so had to remove one so it won’t charge me twice next time round.

Where do you see that it epires in 2022? I justt see this

Nowhere does it mention een expirationdate…

On the main vip/manage page. Mine shows this:

That’s different from mine.

Oh, maybe mine is not set to autorenew now or something and that’s why it’s different. I’m not sure how you’d check if it’s extended your subscription time then.

Thanks. Guess I’ll have to wait until Justin sees it.

Yeah. Just for a test I renewed mine and sure enough my page now looks like yours. I imagine my expiry is now pushed back to 2023 as it charged me again. :smile:

Oh, OK, if you click the “Cancel your VIP” button it should give you a popup that looks like this:

It shows the expiry within that popup. Then you can just navigate away to not cancel.

Thanks :slight_smile: That confirmed that my sub expires in 2022. In that cae I regard the matter as solved.

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Seems like things were figured out, but we’re always happy to handle this in support (email and fix things up as needed. Thanks!