I just started using Last.fm to track my listen habits as I am doing with my Movies and Shows on Trakt. It works great with streaming services.
BUT It was not a good experience for local files. If I tried to scrobble a local song it would probably mess things up. I tried manual scrobbling, and saw I need to input all detail of the song I am listening to. If I mess that up, it is going to become a duplicate of same song. You can’t fix it unless you pay for it. (Yes they are probably doing these to stop service abuse thing).
I know you guys can pull this off by using your database magic! Maybe as separate app? A dedicated offline music player? That also scrobbles from other streaming services?
Does this site track “song” Music?
You can’t get Last.fm to scrobble your plays of your files on a computer or device? That seems strange. I’ve never had an issue with it. In fact I don’t stream music at all, everything is locally sourced material and it scrobbles it everywhere I play it.
Probably something easier to get help with on Reddit in /r/lastfm if you want help fixing it.
I use to use Last.fm to track my music too…but I would allow (what y’all are calling it scrobbling) Pandora and/or Spotify to send that info directly to Last.fm.
I watch a ton more TV/Movies these days while working so I don’t know what’s been updated between those three services. It does sound like more of a Last.fm issue though…so likely contact their support services.
I am able to scrobble my local tracks but the problem is Last.fm’s metadata handling.
What I have metadata on my local files does not (exactly) match with Last.fm metadata. If files metadata matches exactly with Last.fm’s then it works. If not, it creates bunch of duplicates on their site.
I tried ‘MusicBrainz Picard’ tool from MusicBrainz which tags tracks with metadata from it’s Database (it is just like TMDb for song). So I updated tracks tags from database and It still does not scrobble to correct song on site.
Image 1: Search result showing duplicate songs
Image 2: Bottom is local file being tracks as duplicate and Upper track is from Spotify
Hope you now get it.
Interesting. I’ve always used Mp3Tag to edit the metadata on my music.
That pulls from Discogs and MusicBrainz if you don’t want to manually control your metadata. Although usually I tag the metadata manually myself.
Like I said I’ve never seen an issue with anything not scrobbling for me. I’d still suggest Reddit /r/lastfm to try resolve it.
Yes, Spotify works as scrobbler for local files. I also tried Apple Music and other player/scrobblers like MooSync and Silicio they all work.
But my problem is song being duplicate.
Which made me “I wish Trakt could track my songs too!”. I will keep searching for solution and update if I find one.
I think tracking songs could end up being a very data intensive transaction. I don’t listen to music anywhere like I use to, but I could easily see some of my favorite songs getting well over 200 plays (if not a crap ton more over time).
Unlike your average Movie/Show watcher. I understand multiple movie plays and even a few show replays because some people like to rewatch things, but most people are “one and done” so duplicates are much more rare.
Anyway, I know this isn’t a helpful comment, just something I thought of when I saw the replies again.