Freemium Experience: More Features for All with Usage Limits

I don’t know the app so I don’t know the terminology but you’re talking about “collection” on that thread there. If your collected is already over 100 shows and/or movies and you’re no VIP then the error seems to be explained with this thread.

Or do you mean you cant scrobble or sync watched history? Because I don’t take that from your topic there honestly and maybe you should clarify over there for them to be able to give better support.

Correlation does not imply causation

You keep talking about collection. But if an app needs to the collection feature on trakt to scrobble or send watch data its honestly a bad(ly designed) app


Exactly, and I have been trying to explain this…people are using the Collection list incorrectly. LOL

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if you’re going to moan this much about a free service then just leave and stop wasting your time here


again, stop bringing politics into this. it has nothing to do with it

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I’ve been an active user of the Trakt site for over 10 years. I’ve contributed to the community by leaving comments, reviews, ratings, and even adding new shows, flagging and reporting duplicate content, and fixing cast lists, posters, info etc on TMDB so it’d show proper info on Trakt. My comments have been liked by hundreds of people over the years, so I feel confident my usage of the platform has been helpful to plenty of other users.

Of course I have more than 2 lists and have surpassed the 100 items maximum. And given the info on how not even 10% of active users surpass those limits, I don’t get why those features have now been locked behind a paywall. If they didn’t move the needle, why block them off?

I’ve already started actively looking for an alternative site. As a veteran user I don’t appreciate being restricted and made to feel less-than because I can’t afford a VIP account.


Shame. This website was cool, and I used to not mind the fact that some features are locked behind paywalls. They’ve got to make money somehow right? But this is beyond ridiculous. :wave:


Can’t add to collections because who the hell has under 100 items in their movie and TV show libraries?

So you’re aware of the issue? What’s all this confusion then?

Yeah, Trakt made a change to its collections so of course services that use the collections will be affected.

And again since you didn’t answer, did you reach out to the developer?

But again, shoot yourself in the foot and blame DEI.

You’re continually saying this and I have no idea what you mean. What DEI?


Sorry to derail the convo, but how are y’all using smiley faces a fire emoji? All I ever have access to is the heart. I’m old. School me please! Thank you!


Long press the hallow heart on mobile.


Thanks! Now I understand! It can’t be done with an iPad and a Magic Keyboard. It doesn’t work with an Apple Pencil either. I like having more options! Woot!


Kinda wish default was thumbs up instead of heart lol.


Reach out to the developer to do what?

Oh ok so you haven’t. Thanks for confirming.

Explain how they can no longer do what they did previously because of the paywall change made by Trakt?

This isn’t because of the paywall change. It’s because of the free tier change.

And yeah, so they can look into it and confirm if it’s because of the changes Trakt made or if it’s a Jellyfin issue. It’s a good thing to continue building the case that the changes Trakt made is a bad thing.

I explained the issue clearly and was told it’s not the fault of the people who’s fault it is. Repeatedly

Nope. You explained the issue and people were asking questions and trying to figure out what the exact problem was.

Just like it’s not the fault of anyone who makes choices the hurt others it’s the fault of the latest scapegoat, generally a racist, homophobic now transphobic but almost always marginalized minority group.

We are talking about a service to track the movies and TV shows you watch. Take a step back with these analogies.

Ad you didn’t answer. What DEI was brought up?

Repeatedly being told Trakt isn’t the problem to the Trakt problem doesn’t change the reality that until Trakt did something there was no problem nad unless Trakt corrects what was done the problem will persist.

This thread is full of people saying what Trakt did is wrong and I just told you that Trakt is probably the problem.

You have two issues. The collection stuff and your watches not being added. The first is clearly Trakt’s fault due to the Freemium changes, the second may not be.

Me too. It feels weird to be loving some of these posts.


They work perfectly, I have no idea what you are trying to say. Don’t you find it strange you’re the only one who made this claim? Out of literally all Trakt users? Maybe some other people would have noticed by now if the main functionality of Trakt (mark as watched) stopped working all of a sudden?


I’m against these changes sure, but in your case, you said you only use Trakt to list what you’ve watched, no additional features, may I suggest simply not adding everything you watched to your collection and your “movie list/series list”? You can just go to your history and it shows you exactly the same thing, with dates even. You can also filter it so that it only shows movies, shows, or even episodes.

Adding everything you watch to your collection AND a list (apart from sounding like a bit of extra work), is really useless, even more now that it became VIP only.


If you click on thr Simkl app for 20 consecutivedays, once you have signed up, you get Pro status.


i know it works checking in through the website but it does count through the app as well? I assume so, it just doesn’t give any indication like it does on the website

You can post whatever you want here, but it won’t change anything. My bad for using Kodi+elementum, but it was free, so I can only thank Justin for great times with the service. Love y’all.

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Wow, just wow. Once again, shooting yourself in the foot.
I will be gone once my VIP ends in a year